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List of Ewok movies

List started by: StarTrekWarsGateOcean
List contributors: StarTrekWarsGateOcean
Date started: 25 Feb 2015
Last updated: 25 Feb 2015
Keywords: science fiction, movies, film, Star Wars


A list of movies featuring Ewoks. Ewoks are small teddy-bear like aliens, who live on the forest moon of Endor. They were introduced in the movie Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi, and were later featured in two semi-canon live-action Ewok movies.

Row # Title Image Description
1 Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983) Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983) Ewoks were introduced in Star Wars episode VI (the third movie in the original Star Wars trilogy). The ewoks unite with the rebels to destroy a temporary shield generator built on Endor by the Imperials (for protecting the second Death Star while it was being constructed in orbit).
2 The Ewok Adventure (1984) The Ewok Adventure (1984) The Ewok Adventure, also known as Caravan of Courage, is the first of the two semi-canon live-action Ewok spin-off movies.

The Towani family's civilian spacecraft crashes on the forest moon of Endor, where they become stranded. After the parents are captured by the giant Gorax, it is up to their children, teenage son Mace and preschool daughter Cindel, along with the Ewoks they have befriended, to go on a quest to rescue them.

The story is much like that of a swords-and-sorcery type fantasy (much like Krull, Willow, or Lord of the Rings), with the group of heroes traveling by no/low-tech means, and having various encounters/events before reaching their intended destination.

It isn't stated whether the two Ewok movies are set before or after Return of the Jedi, but due to the lack of Imperial or New Republic presence, it can be inferred that it is set before Return of the Jedi.

According to the Wookiepedia page (the Star Wars Wikia site) for the character Cindel Towani, The Ewok Adventure is set 3 ABY (After Battle of Yavin, when the first Death Star was destroyed). The character Cindel is featured briefly in some of the expanded universe novels set over a decade later.
3 Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985) Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985) The Battle for Endor is a violent movie (despite being aimed at children), set about six months after The Ewok Adventure.

Early in the film, Cindel's parents and brother are killed by a marauding band of Sanyassans (who look like a mix of zombies and wrinkly primates) led by Terak and assisted by the witch-like sorceress Charal (who looks human). The marauders also massacre numerous ewoks and burn down their village. Like the Towani family, the Sanyassan marauders were also stranded on Endor, and want the energy cell from the Towani's broken down star cruiser.

Cindel and Wicket are captured, and due to their small size, manage to escape while en-route to Terak's castle. While on the run, they meet Noa, a human who has been stranded on Endor for decades; and his companion Teek (a white furry alien the size of an ewok, that can run very fast). The quartet go on a rescue mission to free the surviving ewoks.

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