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List of Star Trek TV series

List started by: StarTrekWarsGateOcean
List contributors: StarTrekWarsGateOcean
Date started: 28 Jan 2015
Last updated: 28 Jan 2015
Keywords: science fiction, television, TV, Star Trek


A list of the official Star Trek television series, including images and descriptions explaining the gist of each show.

Row # Title Image Description
1 Star Trek (The Original Series) Star Trek (The Original Series) Star Trek is set in the 23rd century, and focusses on the five year exploratory mission (that starts in the year 2264) of the Federation starship Enterprise. There is a core cast of about nine characters, but most of the focus is on the three main characters of: Captain Kirk, first/science officer Mr Spock (a highly logical unemotional half-Vulcan half-human), and chief medical officer Dr McCoy (whose humane nature often comes into conflict with Spock).

Years Aired: 1966-–1969
Number of Seasons: 3
Number of Episodes: 79 (80 including the unaired pilot)
Episode Running Time: 50 minutes
2 Star Trek: The Animated Series Star Trek: The Animated Series
Star Trek: The Animated Series features the characters from the original series (plus a few new ones). Although deemed non-canon, it did have some influences over later series.

Years Aired: 1973-1974
Number of Seasons: 2
Number of Episodes: 22
Episode Running Time: Approximately 23 minutes
3 Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: The Next Generation
The first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation is set in the year 2364 (100 years after the start of five year mission of the original series). It has a similar format to the original series, with the story revolving around the crew of the Federation starship Enterprise.

Years Aired: 1987-1994
Number of Seasons: 7
Number of Episodes: 178
Episode Running Time: Approximately 44 minutes
4 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Star Trek Deep Space Nine is set immediately after Star Trek The Next Generation. The story follows the crew (and other inhabitants) of the space station Deep Space Nine.

Deep Space Nine (formerly named Terok Nor) was handed over to the Federation (to be run jointly with Bajor), by the Cardassian Union as part of a peace treaty. The Cardassian Union is a waning empire that was formerly at war with the Federation, and had recently been the brutal occupiers of the nearby planet Bajor. Deep Space Nine is located very close to a newly opened wormhole, which leads to the previously unexplored Gamma Quadrant of the galaxy.

Unlike with TOS and TNG, Deep Space Nine was far less episodic, with many of its story arcs stretching across a large number of episodes. Story-wise it was the most complicated of all the Star Trek series, and dealt with socio-political issues heavily (eventually building up to a war (lasting the final two seasons) involving all of the major powers). It has strong similarities to the science fiction TV series Babylon 5, which was released about the same time.

Years Aired: 1993-1999
Number of Seasons: 7
Number of Episodes: 176
Episode Running Time: Approximately 43 minutes
5 Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek Voyager is set a few years after Star Trek The Next Generation, with much of it set and airing concurrently with Star Trek Deep Space Nine. The story follows the crew of the Federation starship Voyager.

While pursuing a Marquis ship (the Marquis are a paramilitary organisation of disgruntled former Federation colonists, whose colonies were ceded to the Cardassian Union as part of a peace treaty), Voyager and the Marquis ship are flung to the other side of the galaxy (to the Delta quadrant) by an alien force. The Marquis ship and Voyager run into some problems, both ships lose some crew members, the Marquis ship is destroyed and its crew join the ranks of Voyager's crew (with the Marquis ship captain being made first officer). The crew of Voyager then spend the remaining seven seasons, trying to get back to the Alpha quadrant (a trip that would take 75 years, unless they find a wormhole or the right technology).

Like with TOS and TNG, Voyager is largely episodic, and most episodes could be watched and understood easily by a first time watcher with little or no background information. Although being episodic, the show did tend to go through phases depending on which part of space Voyager was travelling in. For example, in the early episodes, Voyager frequently came up against the barbaric Kazon, and occasionally the diseased Vidiian. Eventually Voyager would on multiple occasions, come up against the brutal Hirogen, a nomadic race of hunters (similar to Predator) and a nonhumanoid race (Species 8472) from a fluid-space realm. Voyager also had encounters with The Borg from season 3 onwards. The Borg are a collective of cyborgs (introduced in Star Trek The Next Generation), that go around 'assimilating' others to their race (i.e. capturing and turning them into cyborg drones).

Years Aired: 1995-2001
Number of Seasons: 7
Number of Episodes: 172
Episode Running Time: 44 minutes (seasons 1-5), 42 minutes (seasons 6-7)
6 Star Trek: Enterprise Star Trek: Enterprise Star Trek Enterprise is set before the original series, around the year 2150, before the formation of the Federation, and about 90 years after humans first official contact with an alien race (the Vulcans).

Despite sorting out the major problems facing humanity, the Vulcans delayed human exploration of other star systems. The Vulcans eventually give-in to the humans' demand for space exploration by helping launch the starship Enterprise, but only on the condition that they have a Vulcan representative on board as first officer.

The first two seasons, like TOS and TNG, are largely episodic and follow a similar format. It was pretty much the 'where no man has gone before' exploration theme, but also had a story arc involving a conflict between time-travellers from the future, known as the Temporal Cold War (a story arc that would be revisited in later seasons).

Season three, had a season long story arc involving the Xindi threat to Earth. The Xindi are a collective of six sentient races that evolved together on the same planet. Due to paranoia and manipulation, they decided to launch an attack on Earth.

The Xindi races - aquatics, aboreals, reptilians, primates, instectoids, and avians (extinct):
The Xindi, from Star Trek: Enterprise

Season 4, had mostly multi-part episodes with many of the stories being tied in some way to the series and movies set later (but made earlier). Season 4 of Enterprise is regarded by many to be one of the highest quality single seasons of Star Trek.

Years Aired: 2001-2005
Number of Seasons: 4
Number of Episodes: 98
Episode Running Time: Approximately 42 minutes

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