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List of Alex Kidd games

List started by: RtrGmr
List contributors: RtrGmr
Date started: 15 Oct 2014
Last updated: 15 Oct 2014
Keywords: video games, Sega


Before Sonic the Hedgehog was released, Alex Kidd was Sega's default mascot. Most of the Alex Kidd games were released on the Sega Master System, with one being released exclusively for the Sega Mega Drive (Sega Genesis).

Row # Title Image Description
1 Alex Kidd in Miracle World Alex Kidd in Miracle World Alex Kidd in Miracle World is a 2D platformer for the Sega Master System, available as either a cartridge, or a built-in game for a particular version of the Sega Master System II. Alex defeats his enemies mostly by punching them with his giant fist, but also through the use of special items (either found or bought from shops), and in the case of some bosses, a game of janken (rock-paper-scissors). Alex has a limited number of lives, and it only takes one hit to make him lose one.

Some of the notable features of the game include:
- Vehicles such as the motorbike (which can jump and run over enemies), helicopter (which can launch projectiles), and the speed boat.
- Money bags (a lot of them), that can be collected during the levels and used to buy items and vehicles at shops.
- Alternative paths, such as the tunnel accessible after defeating a particular octopus, and the different path taken if you lose the boat.

Year of Release: 1986
2 BMX Trial: Alex Kidd BMX Trial: Alex Kidd
Alex Kidd BMX Trial was released on the Sega Master System, but only in Japan. The player controls a BMX riding Alex Kidd, and must try to reach the end of each level in the least amount of time while avoiding obstacles and other riders. The levels include jumps, and wheelie zones (which produce items to pick up). It is game over if Alex's health bar is fully depleted.

Year of Release: 1987
3 Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars is a 2D platformer for the Sega Master System. Alex has a health bar that gets depleted over time and also when he is hit by enemies. Powerups are available that provide Alex with more health, and projectiles to throw at his enemies (however given their scarcity, the levels are typically more about avoiding enemies than defeating them).

Year of Release: 1988
4 Alex Kidd: High-Tech World Alex Kidd: High-Tech World
Alex Kidd: High-Tech World was released on the Sega Master System. Most of the game is an adventure game where the player controls Alex as he tries to find eight pieces of a map inside his family's castle (which in order to do so will require picking up various household items and solving puzzles). Parts of the game are action oriented, where the gameplay is a conventional 2D platformer. During the action sections of the game, the player can control Alex and throw projectiles at enemy ninjas.

Year of Release: 1989
5 Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle is a 2D platformer for the Sega Mega Drive. Its gameplay is very similar to Alex Kidd in Miracle World, with destructible / indestructible blocks, money, vehicles (e.g. motorbikes and projectile shooting pedal powered mini-helicopters), using Alex's giant fist to defeat enemies etc. Some of the differences include:
- The ability to equip and unequip items.
- Instead of shops, there are janken (rock-paper-scissors) games where you can pay money to play the game, and if you win, you receive the item.
- New items such as the pogo stick.

Year of Release: 1989
6 Alex Kidd in Shinobi World Alex Kidd in Shinobi World Alex Kidd in Shinobi World is a 2D platformer released on the Sega Master System. The player controls Alex as he fights ninjas and other enemies. The default weapon is a sword, and throwable spears can be picked up as an item. Unlike with Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Alex has a number of hit-points he can expend before losing a life. One of the more unusual gameplay mechanics it had, was the ability to spin Alex around bars and lamp posts to launch him as a fireball horizontally or vertically across the screen (and defeating the enemies he collides with).

Year of Release: 1990

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