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List of Google Search Easter Eggs

List started by: L-Lists
List contributors: L-Lists
Date started: 31 Jul 2015
Last updated: 26 Aug 2019
Keywords: Google, search engines, Easter eggs


A list of Easter eggs (hidden quirks/amusements) in the Google search engine.

Search terms mentioned in the description are contained within square brackets (the square brackets aren't to be included in the search).

Row # Title Image Description
1 Atari Breakout game Atari Breakout game
Search for [Atari Breakout] in Google's image search and click play. It brings up a browser game of Breakout which has colour shaded Atari game screenshots as the blocks.
2 Zerg rush Zerg rush
Search for [Zerg rush]. A browser game is launched where numerous copies of the letter O (in Google's font), will attack your search results. Each search result has a hit-point bar, and so do the attacking Os. The objective of the game is to defend your search results by repeatedly clicking on the attackers. The term 'Zerg' refers to one of the playable races in the RTS (real-time strategy) game Starcraft.
3 Do a barrel roll Do a barrel roll
Search for [Do a barrel roll]. The Google search results page does a 360 degree spin.
4 Tilt Tilt
Search for [tilt]. The Google search results pages (not just the first page), will be tilted on an angle.
5 Askew Search for [askew]. It has the same effect as searching for [tilt] i.e. the search results page is slanted on an angle.
6 Blink Search for [<blink>] or [blink html]. The word 'blink' will flash wherever it appears in the webpage search result descriptions.
7 Recursion Recursion
Searching for [recursion] includes a 'Did you mean: recursion' link i.e. a link back to the same page.
8 Webdriver torso Webdriver torso
Search for [webdriver torso]. The Google logo becomes an animated series of coloured blocks.
9 Answer to life the universe and everything Answer to life the universe and everything
Search for [answer to life the universe and everything]. Google says the answer is 42 (a reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy).
10 Once in a blue moon Once in a blue moon Search for [once in a blue moon].
11 Wizard of Oz Wizard of Oz Search for [Wizard of Oz], and then click on the red shoes. The search results spin around, and then become sepia toned. Click on the tornado for a house to come out of it, followed by the search results spinning back to normal.

Related Lists

List of Search Engines
List of Google Search Commands
List of YouTube Easter Eggs

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