Row # |
Title |
Description |
1 |
Stanford Technology Law Review
2 |
Economic Analysis of Law Review
3 |
Ius et Praxis (En lÃnea)
4 |
Merkourios: Utrecht Journal of International and European Law
5 |
BoletÃn Mexicano de Derecho Comparado
6 |
Revista Internacional de Estudios de Derecho Procesal y Arbitraje
7 |
Web Journal of Current Legal Issues
8 |
Journal of Information, Law and Technology
9 |
Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law
10 |
Historia Constitucional
11 |
Open Law Journal
12 |
Acta Iuridica Olomucensia
13 |
Nordisk Miljörättslig Tidskrift
14 |
University of Ottawa Law and Technology Journal
15 |
Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review
16 |
HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Review
17 |
Revista Derecho del Estado
18 |
Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property
19 |
Acta Universitatis Danubius: Juridica
20 |
Socio-Legal Review
21 |
Revista CientÃfica Sensus: Direito
22 |
Prim@ Facie
23 |
Opinión JurÃdica
24 |
Estudios Constitucionales
25 |
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov - Series VII: Social Sciences and Law |
26 |
Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology
27 |
European Journal of Law and Technology
28 |
War Crimes, Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity
29 |
Estudios de Derecho
30 |
Sortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies
31 |
Revista e-Mercatoria
32 |
Revista de Direito, Estado e Telecomunicações
33 |
Trade, Law and Development
34 |
Law Review
35 |
Lex et Scientia
36 |
Duke Environmental Law & Policy
37 |
ACDI: Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional
38 |
Public Space: the Journal of Law and Social Justice
39 |
Journal of Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
40 |
Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental
41 |
Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal
42 |
Utrecht Law Review
43 |
Ancilla Iuris
44 |
Revista Internacional de Derecho Romano
45 |
46 |
La Propiedad Inmaterial
47 |
Beijing Law Review
48 |
Revista Catalana de Dret Públic
49 |
Cognitio Juris: Revista JurÃdica
50 |
51 |
Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law
52 |
Law, Environment and Development Journal
53 |
Göttingen Journal of International Law
54 |
Revista de Derecho
55 |
Revista IUS
56 |
Droit et Cultures
57 |
International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law
58 |
Direitos Fundamentais e Democracia
59 |
60 |
Roman Legal Tradition
61 |
Law, Social Justice & Global Development
62 |
Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal
63 |
Autonomies. Revista Catalana de Dret Públic
64 |
Sequência: Estudos Juridicos e Politicos
65 |
Bocconi Student-Edited Legal Papers
66 |
Revista Chilena de Derecho: Publicado por la Facultad de Derecho Universidad Católica de Chile
67 |
Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law
68 |
69 |
Revista de Estudios Histórico-JurÃdicos
70 |
Journal of Law & Family Studies
71 |
Journal of Legal Analysis
72 |
Archivos de CriminologÃa, CriminalÃstica y Seguridad Privada
73 |
Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy
74 |
75 |
Revista de Direito Público
76 |
ELSA Malta Law Review
77 |
Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
78 |
International Journal for Court Administration
79 |
Duke Law Journal
80 |
Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal
81 |
82 |
Revista de Bioética y Derecho
83 |
Revista de Derecho Privado
84 |
Juridical Tribune
85 |
Utah Law Review
86 |
Forum Historiae Iuris
87 |
Open Forensic Science Journal
88 |
No Foundations: Journal of Extreme Legal Positivism
89 |
Revista Direito GV
90 |
Derecho Penal y CriminologÃa
91 |
Journal of Politics and Law
92 |
Papers Lextra
93 |
Revista de Historia del Derecho
94 |
International Free and Open Source Software Law Review
95 |
International Journal of Legal Information
96 |
Revista JurÃdica Cesumar Mestrado
97 |
PolÃtica Criminal
98 |
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights
99 |
European Journal of Legal Studies
100 |
Oñati Socio-Legal Series
101 |
Rivista di Criminologia, Vittimologia e Sicurezza
102 |
Law and Contemporary Problems: a Quarterly Published by the Duke University, School of Law
103 |
Harvard Human Rights Journal
104 |
Mizan Law Review
105 |
106 |
Gaceta Laboral
107 |
Juridica International
108 |
Human Rights & Human Welfare
109 |
Fides: Revista de Filosofia do Direito, do Estado e da Sociedade
110 |
111 |
International Law: Revista Colombiana de Derecho Internacional
112 |
Direito Público
113 |
JIPITEC: Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law
114 |
Electronic Journal of Comparative Law
115 |
Revista de Estudios JurÃdicos
116 |
LeXonomica: Journal of Law and Economics
117 |
118 |
Italian Labour Law e-journal
119 |
Unbound: Harvard Journal of the Legal Left
120 |
Prolegómenos. Derechos y Valores
121 |
E Law - Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law
122 |
Federal Courts Law Review
123 |
Amsterdam Law Forum
124 |
Annals of Constantin Brancusi University of Targu-Jiu: Juridical Science Series
125 |
Scientia Iuris
126 |
EIRP Proceedings
127 |
International Journal of Criminal Investigation
128 |
Comparative Law Review
129 |
Richmond Journal of Law and Technology
130 |
Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik
131 |
Alfa Redi: Revista de Derecho Informático
132 |
Lex Humana
133 |
Revista de Derecho (ValparaÃso)
134 |
Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional
135 |
Entertainment and Sports Law Journal
136 |
137 |
Derecho Comparado de la Información
138 |
Hoechstrichterliche Rechtsprechung im Strafrecht
139 |
Current Issues of Business and Law
140 |
Criterio JurÃdico
141 |
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences
142 |
Sea Grant Law & Policy Journal
143 |
Erasmus Law and Economics Review
144 |
Cuadernos Electrónicos de FilosofÃa del Derecho
145 |
Revista Estudios Socio-JurÃdicos
146 |
Revista do Curso de Direito da UNIABEU
147 |
Baltic Journal of Law & Politics
148 |
The Internet Journal of Law, Healthcare and Ethics
149 |
Revista de Derecho (Coquimbo)
150 |
The Jury Expert
151 |
Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales
152 |
Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional
153 |
Prisma JurÃdico
154 |
Revista CES Derecho
155 |
Acta Societatis Martensis |