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List of films set in 19th century New Zealand

List started by: StarTrekWarsGateOcean
List contributors: AEIOU, StarTrekWarsGateOcean
Date started: 20 Jun 2013
Last updated: 17 Aug 2019
Keywords: films, movies, historical drama


A list of feature length films set in New Zealand during the 19th century.

Row # Title Image Description
1 Utu (1984) Utu (1984)
Utu is a violent tale of revenge. Te Wheke is a Maori soldier in the British colonial army. After the army massacres his village, he decides to wage war on not just the army but all British colonialists. A homesteader who survives one of Te Wheke's raids, builds a four-barrel shotgun and sets out on a mission of revenge.
2 The Piano (1993) The Piano (1993)
The Piano is about a mute Scotswoman who travels to NZ with her daughter, to be with her frontiersman husband (in an arranged marriage).
3 Pictures (1981) Pictures is a drama based on the true story of the photographer Alfred Henry Burton (1834 - 1914), and to a lesser extent his brother Walter (who was also a photographer). The story focuses on Alfred's travels in New Zealand, where he witnesses the plight of Maori that resulted from British colonialism.
4 River Queen (2005) River Queen (2005)
River Queen is set in New Zealand in 1868 towards the end of the land wars. It is about an Irish woman, who is searching for her half-Maori son who was abducted by his Maori grandfather to be raised amongst his tribe.
5 Rewi's Last Stand (1925)
6 Rewi's Last Stand (1940) Rewi's Last Stand (1940)
A remake of Rewi's Last Stand (1925), with battle scenes enacted by members of the Maori Battalion. Rewi's Last Stand is also known as The Last Stand.
7 Event 16 (2006) Event 16 (2006)
A science fiction time-travel movie with a brief scene set in 19th century New Zealand.
8 Waitangi: What Really Happened (2011) Waitangi: What Really Happened (2011)
A docu-drama about the Treaty of Waitangi (1840).
9 What Really Happened: Votes for Women (2012) What Really Happened: Votes for Women (2012)
A docu-drama about Kate Sheppard's political activism which resulted in New Zealand becoming the first country to allow women to vote in elections. The first election with universal suffrage was in 1893.
10 My Lady of the Cave (1922) A romantic drama set in the Bay of Plenty during the 1890s and based on the newspaper serial of the same name.
11 The Te Kooti Trail (1927) The Te Kooti Trail is based on the account of the ransacking of Mill Farm at Te Poronu by Te Kooti and his men.
12 The Stolen (2017) The Stolen (2017) The Stolen is set during the gold rush in 1860s New Zealand, and is about an upper-class English woman who is trying to find her kidnapped baby son.

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