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List of Historical Recipes Websites

List started by: chowder
List contributors: chowder
Date started: 2013-04-11
Last updated: 2013-04-11
food, recipes, cooking, history


Recipe websites/webpages which focus on (or have sections focussing on) historical recipes. This could include old recipe books (e.g. translated recipe books from ancient or medieval times), old recipes, or recipes of historical significance (e.g. recipes for soldiers/families during a particular war).

List Entries:

1. 18thC Cuisine
A blog exploring the cuisine and culture of Nouvelle France at the time of the French and Indian wars.

2. Regency Collection - Recipes
Recipes from handwritten receipt books of the 18th century.

3. Hardtack
History and recipes of hardtack, a convenient long lasting hard-bread / cracker, eaten by soldiers, explorers, and pioneers of the past.

4. Victoriana Magazine: Cake Recipes
Eight cake recipes from Victorian times.

5. Feeding America: The Historic American Cookbook Project
Online collection of the most important 19th and early 20th century American cookbooks, viewable as page images.

6. Recipes and Rations
Eleven recipes from the last half of the 20th century (in English and German).

7. Peggy's Antiquated Recipes
Recipes sorted by decade from the 1920s to the 1980s, plus a section for recipes from before the 1920s.

8. Recipes from the Twentieth Century
Some recipes taken from the book Fashionable Food: Seven Decades of Food Fads

9. Vintage California Cuisine

10. The Doughboy Cookbook
Recipes for some soldiers during World War 1

11. Frugal Recipes From Wartime Britain
Recipes from Colleen Moulding's Grandmother to feed her husband and seven children during World War 2.

12. Ancient Egyptian Recipes
A handful of recipes including Honey Omelette, Sweet Wine Cakes, and Hummus.

13. Byzantine Recipes
Seven Byzantine recipes.

14. Ancient Roman Recipes
Recipes from Marcus Gavius Apicius' cookbook, De Re Coquinaria.

15. NOVA Online: Real Roman Recipes

16. Around The Roman Table
Eight Roman recipes

17. A Biblical Feast
A Biblical Feast: Foods from the Holy Land. Has three recipes.

18. Medieval Recipes from Various Sources
Original texts of medieval recipes along with a modern rewrite.

19. Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books
Middle English texts of two manuscripts.

20. Food In Tudor England
Food culture and recipes from the times of the Tudors (1485-1603), when foods from the 'New World' were first introduced.

21. Medieval Recipes
Medieval and renaissance recipes adapted for the modern cook.

22. Medieval and Anglo Saxon Recipes
Eight medieval and Anglo Saxon recipes from The British Museum Cookbook.

23. Medieval European Recipes
Six medieval European recipes from The British Museum Cookbook.

24. Andalusian Cookbook
An anonymous Andalusian cookbook of the 13th century.

25. Buch von Guter Spise

26. Du Fait de Cuisine
A recipe book (and food presentation / preparation manual) from 1420.

27. Due Libre B
An Early 15th Century Recipe Collection from Southern Italy

28. Le Managier de Paris

29. Sabina Welserin's Cookbook
English translation of one of the oldest German cookbooks (from 1553).

30. Recreational Medievalism
A source for medieval recipes and recipe books, translated into English.

31. Danish cookbook from 1616
Translated into English

32. Gode Cookery
Medieval and renaissance recipes and recipe books.

33. A Boke of Gode Cookery Recipes
A collection of medieval recipes translated and adapted for the modern cook.

34. The Renaissance at the Dinner Table
A collection of 27 medieval and renaissance recipes (with historical notes).

35. Henry Notaker's Old Cookbooks and Food History
Excerpts from old cookbooks and external links.

36. Medieval and Renaissance Food
Sources (internal and external), Recipes, and Articles

37. The Medieval Kitchen - Recipes from France and Italy
Six recipes

38. Medieval Recipes
A collection of 21 medieval recipes

39. Culinary and Dietetic Texts 1350-1800
German and other European culinary texts from the middle ages to 1800.

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