List Entries: |
1. Advances and Applications in Statistics
2. Advances in Applied Probability
3. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification
4. ALEA: Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
5. American Statistician, The
6. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques
7. Annals of Applied Probability, The
8. Annals of Applied Statistics, The
9. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, The
10. Annals of Probability, The
11. Annals of Statistics, The
12. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (AISM)
13. Applied Econometrics and International Development
14. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry
15. Asian Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications (AJSTA)
16. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis
17. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
18. Austrian Journal of Statistics
19. Bayesian Analysis
20. Behaviormetrika
21. Bernoulli
22. Biometrical Journal
23. Biometrics
24. Biometrika
25. Biostatistics
26. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
27. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
28. Canadian Journal of Statistics, The
29. Chance
30. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems
31. Chilean Journal of Statistics
32. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics
33. Clinical Trials
34. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation
35. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods
36. Communications of the Korean Statistical Society
37. Computational Statistics
38. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
39. DataCrÃtica
40. East African Journal of Statistics
41. Econometric Reviews
42. Econometric Theory
43. Econometrica
44. Electronic Journal for History of Probability and Statistics
45. Electronic Journal of Statistics
46. Environmental and Ecological Statistics
47. Environmetrics
48. ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
49. Extremes
50. Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics
51. Foundations and Trends in Econometrics
52. Gujarat statistical review
53. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
54. International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics
55. International Journal of Biostatistics, The
56. International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics
57. International Journal of Forecasting
58. International Journal of Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics (IJITAS)
59. International Journal of Mathematics and Computation
60. International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
61. International Journal of Statistics & Economics
62. International Journal of Statistics and Applications
63. International Journal of Statistics and Management System
64. International Journal of Statistics and Systems (IJSS)
65. International Journal of Tomography & Statistics
66. International Statistical Review
67. InterStat
68. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
69. Journal of Applied Econometrics
70. Journal of Applied Probability
71. Journal of Applied Probability & Statistics
72. Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods
73. Journal of Applied Statistical Science
74. Journal of Applied Statistics
75. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics
76. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
77. Journal of Chemometrics
78. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
79. Journal of Data Science
80. Journal of Econometrics
81. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
82. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
83. Journal of Informetrics
84. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
85. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods
86. Journal of Multivariate Analysis
87. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
88. Journal of Official Statistics
89. Journal of Probability and Statistical Science (JPSS)
90. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports
91. Journal of Quantitative Criminology
92. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
93. Journal of Statistical Mechanics
94. Journal of Statistical Physics
95. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
96. Journal of Statistical Research
97. Journal of Statistical Research of Iran
98. Journal of Statistical Software
99. Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications
100. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice
101. Journal of Statistics & Management Systems
102. Journal of Statistics and Applications
103. Journal of Statistics Education
104. Journal of the American Statistical Association
105. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics
106. Journal of the Japan Statistical Society
107. Journal of the Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
108. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
109. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society
110. Journal of Time Series Analysis
111. JP Journal of Biostatistics
112. Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, The
113. Law, Probability & Risk
114. Lifetime Data Analysis
115. Mathematical Methods of Statistics
116. Metrika
117. Metron
118. Model Assisted Statistics and Applications
119. Multivariate Behavioral Research
120. Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics
121. Pakistan Journal of Statistics
122. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research
123. Pharmaceutical Statistics
124. Physica A: Statistical mechanics and its applications
125. Probability and Mathematical Statistics
126. Probability Surveys
127. Proceedings of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
128. Psychometrika
129. R Journal, The
130. Radical Statistics
131. Review of Economics and Statistics, The
132. Revista Colombiana de Estadistica
133. REVSTAT - Statistical Journal
134. Sankhya, The Indian Journal of Statistics
135. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
136. Sequential Analysis
137. Significance
138. SORT
139. South African Statistical Journal, The
140. Stata Journal, The
141. Statistica Neerlandica
142. Statistica Sinica
143. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
144. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology
145. Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
146. Statistical Journal of the IAOS
147. Statistical Methodology
148. Statistical Methods and Applications
149. Statistical Methods in Medical Research
150. Statistical Modelling
151. Statistical Papers
152. Statistical Science
153. Statistics
154. Statistics & Probability Letters
155. Statistics & Risk Modelling
156. Statistics and Computing
157. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research
158. Statistics in Medicine
159. Statistics in Transition
160. Statistics Surveys
161. Stochastic Systems
162. Structural Equation Modeling
163. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics
164. Survey Methodology
165. Surveys in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
166. Teaching Statistics
167. Technology Innovations in Statistics Education
168. Technometrics
169. TEST
170. Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
171. Universal Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
172. Psychological Methods
173. Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis: Decision Support Systems