List Entries: |
1. Google

Google was launched in 1997 and is the most used search engine in the world (and is often the most visited website in the world). |
2. Bing

Search engine by Microsoft (launched in 2009). |
3. Yahoo

A search engine that was launched in 1995, and since 29 July 2009, has been powered by Bing. |
4. Ask

General purpose search engine.
5. Baidu

Chinese / Japanese search engine. The most used search engine in China.
6. Yandex

Russian search engine. The most used search engine in Russia.
7. blekko

A now defunct search engine which could display website statistics and had a user generated slash-tag feature for grouping webpages. |
8. Ixquick

Metasearch engine with options for choosing what results are based on. Respects search privacy and results can be opened into an Ixquick proxy window.
9. Startpage
Search engine by Ixquick and enhanced by Google. Respects search privacy and results can be opened into an Ixquick proxy window.
10. DuckDuckGo

Metasearch engine. Respects search privacy.
11. Dogpile
Metasearch engine based on Google, Yahoo, Bing and Yandex.
12. Excite

Metasearch engine based on Google, Yahoo and Bing.
13. Teoma

14. Hakia

15. AOL Search

Enhanced by Google
16. Lycos

17. Active Search Results
Search engine with ASR page ranking technology
18. Blackle
Google searches but with a black background. Claims to be energy saving because of the black background.
19. Cluuz
Search engine featuring semantic cluster graphs, image extraction, and tag clouds.
20. CompuServe Search
Powered by Netscape search and enhanced by Google.
21. Entireweb
Search engine with results options of web, images and real-time. Displays thumbnail images of web search results.
22. Exalead
Search engine with results options of web, images, videos, Wikipedia, labs, blog and enterprise. Displays thumbnail images of web search results, links to related terms searches, narrowing down by site and file types, and a pie graph of the page languages.
23. Hotbot
Owned by Lycos, with search results options for web, news, weather and shopping.
24. Lexxe
Processes natural language queries and delivers results in clusters by topic.
25. Mojeek

Search engine with a simple interface and no advertising. Offers the ability to create a customized topical or personal search index. Respects search privacy.
26. Scrub The Web
Search engine with links to SEO tools
27. Yippy
Formerly Clusty. Displays search term cluster links alongside search results for narrowing down searches.
28. Intute
Search engine for study and research. New additions have now stopped, but has been archived.
29. NihilScio
Educational search engine in English, Spanish and Italian.
30. OmniMedicalSearch
Medical search engine.
31. Q-Sensei
Academic search engine
32. Quertle
Semantic search engine for biology and chemistry.
33. RefSeek
Academic search engine. Powered by Google.
34. SearchMedia
Medical search engine.
35. Sweetsearch
Search engine for students.
36. Vadlo
Life sciences search engine for protocols, tools and PowerPoint slides.
37. Virtual Learning Resources Cente
Academic search engine. Powered by Google.
38. FindSounds
Search-engine for sound effects audio files.
39. Icerocket
Blog search engine.
40. MagPortal
Search engine and directory for finding online magazine articles.
News search engine
42. Silobreaker
Silobreaker aggregates news, blogs, research, audio, video and other digital media content from global news, shared, user generated and open access sources.
43. Technorati

Blog search engine.
44. eBook Search Queen
Search engine for the following file types: PDF, TXT, DOC, RTF, PPT
45. Find PDF
PDF search. Powered by Google.
46. Foofind
File search engine, with search types of audio, video, image, document, software and archive.
47. PrintFu
PDF search engine. Displays keyword links under each search result.
48. SlideFinder
PowerPoint slides search.
49. Panjoy
Recipe search engine.
50. RecipeBridge
Recipe search engine.
51. Yummly

Recipe search engine.
52. Boardreader
Forum search engine.
53. Omgili
Forum search engine.
54. Incogna
Image search engine
55. Macroglossa
Upload an image, and receive a set of image search results which are supposed to look similar.
56. Picsearch
Image search engine
57. Quality Image Search
Image search engine for images above a certain size.
58. Compfight
Search for Flickr images and stock photography
59. Digital Inspiration: Search Pictures on Flickr, MySpace, Facebook ..
Search for photos that are on Facebook, Flickr, Zooomr, MySpace, US Government sites, Photobucket, Corbis, deviantart, Webshots, Blogger, Typepad and WordPress.
60. PicFog
Real-time search for pictures from twitpic, yfrog, plixi and twitgoo.
61. Pixolu2
Search for Flickr and Yahoo images
62. Twicsy
Twitter pic search
63. Twipho
Twitter photo/picture search engine that can find, and images embedded in tweets.
64. Webstagram
Instagram photos search. Registered users can follow other registered users.
65. everystockphoto
Search engine for freely licensed photos
66. PicFindr
Searches stock photography websites
67. Facesaerch
Search for photos of people of a particular name
68. TinEye Reverse Image Search
Reverse image search (submit image to find where it is on the web)
Vector image search
70. Find Icons
Icons image search
71. Icon Seeker
Icons image search
72. Iconfinder
Icons image search
73. IconsPedia
Icons image search
74. Icons-Search
Icons image search
75. Very Icon
Icons image search
76. oSkope
Visual search assistant that lets you browse and organize items from Amazon, Ebay, Flickr, Fotolia, Yahoo! Image Search and YouTube.
77. CastTV
Video search engine
Video search engine that lets you create custom playlists of clips from top video sites on the internet through realtime search.
79. Trooker
Video search engine
80. IFACnet
Accounting search engine powered by Google.
81. Lexis Web
Legal search engine
82. Simply Hired
Job search engine.
83. WebC-I
Search engine for industry.
84. 123 people
People search engine
85. iSearch
People search engine
86. Lullar
Profiles search by email, name (first or last) or username.
87. PeekYou
People search engine
88. Pipl
People search engine
89. Spokeo
People search engine that aggregates white-pages listings and public records.
90. Sysoon
Dead people search engine, funeral news and directory.
91. Wink
People search engine
92. zoominfo
People and companies search for USA and Canada
93. Goonux
Search engine for Linux related websites.
94. merobase
Programming code search engine.
95. Roozzy
Mobile website search for broadband cellphones, mobile directory for quality cell phone websites.
96. RSSsearchhub
RSS search engine
97. Search[code]
Programming code search engine.
98. SearchIRC
Search for Internet Relay Chat (IRC) rooms and networks.
99. Shodan

Search for devices connected to the internet. Find devices based on city, country, latitude/longitude, hostname, operating system and IP.
100. SurfWax
Typing in a search term instantly reveals a set of webpages with titles beginning in the search term, from 140 popular RSS websites.
101. Swoogle
Search for a special class of web documents called Semantic Web documents, which are written in RDF.
Finds websites instead of webpages. Search via domain names, titles, keywords or server IP.
103. Thunderstone
Search for websites instead of webpages
104. ColorOf
Search for products of a chosen colour or palette.
Search engine with textual and graphical output of results.
106. Factbites
A cross between a search engine and an encyclopaedia. The results return complete, informative sentences about the search topic.
107. FAROO
Search engine based on peer-to-peer (P2P) technology.
108. Google minus Google
Search with Google without getting results from Google sites such as Google+, Blogger and YouTube.
109. Green Maven
Green Search Engine which provides environmentally aware results, includes news and products. Powered by Google.
110. QueryCAT
Searches for websites containing questions containing the search term.
111. Seeks
Search engine based on peer-to-peer (P2P) technology.
Plagiarism checker
113. Snappyfingers
Searches for websites containing questions containing the search term.
Search for apartments, villas & hotels worldwide
115. Zanran
A search engine for finding data and statistics. The search results will be graphs, charts and tables.
116. Ecosia
Donates at least 80% of its advertising revenue to a rainforest protection programme run by the WWF. Powered by Bing.
117. Everyclick
Gives money to charity. Powered by Yahoo.
118. GoodSearch
Gives money to charity. Powered by Yahoo.
119. Ripple
Gives money to charity. Powered by Google.
120. Similar Pages
Find similar websites to the submitted URL
121. Similar Site Search
Find similar websites to the submitted URL. Allows users to rate the websites in the search results.
Enter a URL, and then find similar and complementary websites.
123. SitesLikeSites
Find similar websites to the submitted URL
124. AnooX
Social networking based Search engine. Users can vote for their favourite web results. Also has a Q&A section.
125. Fooxx
A blend of search and social bookmarking. With FOOXX you can discover things, which other users have already found, rank websites, nominate, recommend, block, publicize favourites or share them with other users.
126. SearchTeam
Search engine which allows the saving of searches to search spaces (which can be done collaboratively).
127. Social Searcher
Social search. Searches for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Myspace and Linked posts, pages, images, groups, jobs etc which are open to the public.
128. Spezify
Search results show a montage of twitter posts, Flickr images, Amazon and ebay adverts.
129. Twitority
Authority based Twitter search, find Twitter postings by number of followers.
130. ApocalX
Metasearch engine based on Google, Bing and Yahoo! Has a special search for recipes and reviews.
131. Apollo7
Metasearch engine
132. Carrot2
Metasearch engine based on a variety of search engines. Has clickable topic links and diagrams to narrow down search results.
133. eLocalFinder
Metasearch engine based on Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask. Displays results in a table, with the results from each search engine, along with an overall ranking.
134. Finday
Displays topic rankings alongside web search results. Enhanced by Google.
135. Forelook
Metasearch engine based on Google and Bing, and with options to base the results on other websites.
136. FuzzFind
Metasearch engine based on Google, Yahoo, Bing and Also has trends in pictures and trends news feed sections.
137. Geegain
Enhanced by Google.
138. GoKookyGo
Metasearch engine which displays thumbnail shots in the web results, and allows users to open search results webpages within a frame, and comment on webpages in the search results.
139. Goofram
Metasearch engine based on Google and Wolfram Alpha.
140. Gopher
Metasearch engine based on Google, Yahoo and Bing.
141. I Net Monster
Metasearch engine very similar to GoKookyGo.
Metasearch engine based on Google, Yahoo and Bing.
143. Iseek
Metasearch engine with options for narrowing down searches based on related topics, people, places, organisation, dates/times, abbreviations, source, and recent queries.
144. LookAllWeb
Metasearch engine
145. Mamma
Metasearch engine with search results options for web, images, news, Twitter and jobs.
146. Metabear
Metasearch engine
147. MetaCrawler
Metasearch engine based on Google, Yahoo and Bing, with search results options for web, images, video, news, yellow and white pages.
148. Monstercrawler
Metasearch engine based on Google, Yahoo and Bing.
149. OpenText Federated Query Server
Metasearch engine based on Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, Wikipedia and Open Directory. States the number of results from each source, and the time taken to fetch those results. Also has a social search engine based on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and LinkedIn; a news search engine based on The Guardian, BBC News, Washington Post, Reuters, and the LA Times; and a health search engine based on nine sources.
150. Roysearch
Metasearch engine
151. Scandoo
Metasearch engine based on Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask.
152. Search
Metasearch engine owned by CBS Interactive.
153. Searches
Metasearch engine
154. Sgyba
Metasearch engine based on Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask.
155. Sperse
Metasearch engine very similar to Squikoo.
156. Squikoo
Metasearch engine very similar to Sperse. |
157. Stinky Teddy
Real-time metasearch engine with search options for web, news, video, real-time and images.
158. Turboscout
Metasearch engine
159. WebCrawler
Metasearch engine based on Google and Yahoo.
160. WebNocular
Metasearch engine
161. Yometa
Metasearch engine which displays search results as a Venn diagram with three circles representing Google, Yahoo and Bing.
162. Zapmeta
Metasearch engine
163. Search Nigeria
Nigerian search engine
Chinese business search engine

Chinese search engine.
166. Sogou
Chinese search engine.
167. Soso
Chinese search engine.
168. Youdao
Chinese search engine.
Chinese search engine.
170. Biglobe
Japanese portal and search engine enhanced by Google.
Japanese metasearch engine based on Ask, Baidu, Bbing, Marsflag and Naver.
172. Fresheye
Japanese search engine. Powered by Naver.
173. Goo
Japanese search engine.
174. Metcha Search
Japanese metasearch engine based on Baidu, Naver and Yahoo.
175. Spysee
Japanese people search
176. Daum

Korean search engine.
177. Nate

Korean search engine and portal. A single search would produce categories of results including apps, books, websites, dictionary definitions, news, images, videos, social search, blogs, and Q&A.
178. Naver

Korean search engine. The most popular search engine in South Korea.
Korean search for professionals
180. Alleba
Filipino search engine
181. Rediff

Indian search engine in English.
182. Ilse
Dutch portal and search, which displays various categories including: Google web results, images, products, twitter posts and job vacancies.
Flemish search engine and portal.
Dutch metasearch engine.
Dutch search engine. Powered by Google.
186. Infoseek
French search engine which rejects certain types of sites. Powered by Google.
187. Vatrouver
French search engine
188. Vigoos
French search engine
189. Voila
French search engine and portal
190. Ö
German search engine for eco-vendors and organic produce and ecologically oriented services, processes and manufacturing processes. Powered by Google.
191. BASE: Bielefeld Academic Search
German search engine for science
192. Blinde Kuh
German search engine for children - funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.
German search engine
194. Die Kraehe
German metasearch engine
195. DigiBib
Search international library catalogues and literature databases. In German, but with an English language version.
196. Discounto
German discounts search
197. Fastbot
German search engine which allows user comments of search results, and allows users to open search results in an anonymous proxy window.
German business and finance search engine powered by Google
199. Fireball
German search engine
200. InfoWeb Weiterbildung - IWWB
German tertiary education search
German metasearch engine.
202. MetaGer
German metasearch engine
203. Metager2
German metasearch engine.
204. MetaScroll
German metasearch engine. Has various filtration options.
205. Metaspinner
German metasearch engine. Has various filtration options.
206. Meteora
German language travel search engine
German search engine. Bases much of its search results on links posted on twitter.
German metasearch engine.
209. Qualigo
German search engine and ad network
210. Semager
German search engine where users can get preview shots of webpages in the search results.
211. T-Online
German web portal and search engine powered by Google.
212. Vebidoo
German language, people search
213. VS-Maschinenbau
German industrial search engine and directory
214. Yabado
German metasearch engine.
German language, people search
Metasearch engine from Switzerland
Swiss search engine.
218. Ano-Kato
Greek search engine
219. Visto
Greek search engine
220. Aristotele
Italian search engine powered by Google.
221. Gjlg Metamotore
Italian search engine for Google, Yahoo and Live groups.
222. Iusseek
Search Engine of Italian and other European law.
223. Libero - Ricerca
Italian search engine powered by Google.
224. Virgilio
Italian search engine
225. Volunia
Italian search engine, which allows users to comment on search results.
226. Webtracer
Italian search engine
227. Eniro
Swedish business directory and search engine enhanced by Google.
228. Jubii
Danish portal and search engine powered by Google.
Swedish search engine.
230. Elisa.Net
Finnish web portal and search engine powered by Google. Formerly
Icelandic search engine and portal.
232. Jabse
Bulgarian search engine
233. Jyxo
Czech search engine.
234. KlábosenÃ.cz
Czech and Slovak Twitter search.
235. Seznam

Czech search engine.
Hungarian search engine. Includes a set of buttons to insert accented characters into the search text area.
237. Johu
Hungarian version of
Hungarian search engine powered by Google. Displays images next to webpage search results.
Hungarian search engine enhanced by Google.
240. WYW kereso
Hungarian search engine
Polish search engine
242. Netsprint
Polish search engine
Romanian people search
244. Srpko
Serbian search engine powered by Google
245. Morfeo
Slovakian portal and search enhanced by Google.
Slovenian search engine and portal.
247. Buscar
Portuguese search engine powered by Google.
248. IOL
Portuguese portal and search engine powered by Google.
249. Sapo

Portuguese search engine, with a different version for each Portuguese speaking country.
250. Site de Busca
Brazilian search engine.
251. UOL Busca
Portuguese search engine powered by Google.
252. HispaVista
Spanish search engine and portal
253. Laiesken
Spanish search engine
254. Terra
Spanish language portal and search engine enhanced by Google.
255. Enxogo
Galician sport search engine |
256. Huubs
Catalonian news search engine and portal
Russian search engine
Russian search engine
Search Engine for Russian-language portals, forums and blogs dedicated to the development of websites and web-programming. Powered by Google.
Russian search engine
Russian search of livejournal
Russian metasearch engine
263. MetaBrain
Russian metasearch engine
264. Rambler
Russian search engine.
265. Yottos
Russian search engine
266. Yamli
Arabic and English search engine powered by Google. Can translate search terms from English to Arabic.
267. Jamasp
Persian search engine
268. Parseek
Persian search. Powered by Google.
269. Walla!
Israeli search engine powered by Google.
270. Web Wombat
Australian search engine, online magazine and portal
271. Ansearch
Powered by Google. Displays images from the webpages alongside the web search results.
272. Exactseek
Has search options for web, news, images, video, real-time, blog and shopping.
273. Findelio
Powered by Google. Displays an image next to web-pages in the in the search results.
274. Gigablast
Search engine with real time indexing
275. Heapr
Search engine powered by Google and also displays Twitter (real time), Wolfram Alpha and Wikipedia results. Only works on Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.
276. KidRex
Kid safe search engine powered by Google.
277. ManagedQ
Displays search results as thumbnail images. Allows the highlighting of particular types of information on the webpage e.g. URLs, email addresses, dates and times etc
278. Mundusearch
Powered by Google, and has search results options for web, sounds, lyrics+music, and video.
279. MyAllSearch
Powered by Google, and has search results options for web, sounds, lyrics+music, and video.
280. MyWebSearch
Powered by Google.
281. Oolone
Displays web results as large thumbnail images of webpages.
282. Pepesearch
Powered by Google. Also has directory, news and shopping links.
Has options for file type, languages and where the search term appears. Powered by Google.
284. Redz
Search engine with large thumbnail search results.
285. Scour
Formerly Allows sorting according to different search engines. Registered users can post comments on webpages in the search results.
286. Searchhippo
Search engine with a spider that begins with indexing large directories (such as
287. Slider
Powered by entireweb and searches dmoz
288. Spacetime 3D
Powered by Google. Shows large preview images.
289. Surfcanyon
Search engine with results options for web, news, images and maps.
290. The Net 1
Powered by Google. Displays an image from the webpages, in the search results.
291. Agent 55
Displays search results from a chosen search engine within a frame.
292. Blindsearch
Make a search query then vote for the column which you believe best matches your query. The columns are randomised with every query.
293. Draze
Displays search results from a chosen search engine within a frame.
294. Giapeto
Displays search results from a chosen search engine within a frame.
295. GrabAll
Compares the search results of two selected search engines.
296. ManyGet
Displays Google, Bing and Yahoo results on the same screen.
297. Multi Searching
Displays search results from a chosen search engine within a frame.
298. Multiple Search
Displays search results from a chosen search engine (or website) within a frame.
299. nowGoogle
Displays search results from a chosen search engine within a frame.
300. PolyCola
Displays results for two chosen search engines on the same screen.
301. Search GBY
Displays search results from a chosen search engine within a frame.
302. Searchboth
Compares the search results of two selected search engines.
303. SearchEzee
Displays search results from a chosen search engine within a frame.
304. Seeaarch
Displays Google, Bing and Yahoo results on the same screen.
305. TopSite
Very limited top websites
Displays search results from a chosen search engine within a frame.
307. Wotbox
Search engine with country specific searching. Options to display country flags, and include preview and translation features.
308. Kvasir
Norwegian search engine powered by Google. |
309. OneLook
Searches for definitions from many online dictionaries. |
310. Thiv
311. Soorsa - Start searching the internet with Soorsa. A new search engine for your home page.
Search engine and news aggregator in English and German. |
313. Soku
A video search engine that searches for videos from Chinese websites including (but not limited to) Tudou, ku6, Youku, and |
314. Verbase
A search engine with search result rankings based (at least in part) on the search results favoured by its users. The search results include thumbnail images of the webpages, and a feedback box (called a Verbox) where users can rate a website (and check for older versions of the website, or have it translated). Twitter results with links to webpages from that website are also displayed within the Verbox. Verbase also allows the user to attach content to keywords (a feature known as bases) and create keyword based forums (known as chatbases). |
315. InfoSpace
A metasearch engine that combines the results of Google, Yahoo and Yandex. |
316. NerdyData
A search engine that searches the source code of webpages rather than the visible webpage text.
317. Zeekly
A web portal and a private and secure metasearch engine. |
318. Qwant
Qwant is based in France and was launched in February 2013. The search results are displayed in five columns: web, news, qnowledge graph (just Wikipedia results), social, and shopping. There are also separate search sections for media (videos and images) and people (social media), and there is also a boards section. It is a search engine that respects privacy. |
319. Yam Search
A web search section (powered by Google) in Chinese, on the Taiwanese website Yam. |
320. WbSrch

WbSrch is a general search engine with indexes in 25 languages. |
321. Egerin

A Kurdish web portal and search engine. |
322. OdiaSearch

Oriya / Odia search engine. Lists Oriya language content websites. |
323. oscobo

Oscobo is a UK search engine that does not track you and does not share your search history with other sites. |
324. metager

MetaGer is a metasearch engine focused on protecting users' privacy. |
325. Wow

Wow! (styled WOW!) was an online service run by CompuServe in 1996 and early 1997 |
326. Alhea

Alhea is a meta-search engine that includes links to social media feeds below the search result links. |
327. Lilo

By searching with Lilo, you finance social and environmental projects.
328. unbubble

European search engine that respects the privacy of the searcher. |
329. Pipilika

Pipilika Is a Bangla search engine, Operated From Bangladesh.Which search for: Web,News,Blogs,National E-infokosh,Jobs,Books. |
330. Swisscows

Privacy safe web-search, with a semantic map and file digest options. |
331. PPT Search Engine
Search engine for PowerPoint (.ppt) slides. |
332. Sphider

Anonymous search engine |
333. Petey Vid

Petey Vid is a privacy focused video search engine that caters to non-YouTube content and new video networks |
334. Reverse Image Search by HostingChecker

Meta search that saves time by searching for photos and images on all reverse image search engines. |
335. Dekoo

Asia's global search engine company with unique search, unbiased results on the web from Singapore launched in 2020 |