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L-Lists User Profile For ACCA_software

User Name:ACCA_software
Date Joined:2014-04-24
Description:Highly professional Architectural BIM design and Bills of Quantities software to use for free? Free UPP is here. A new way to distribute professional software for the Engineering and Architectural industries. Free UPP (Free Use Pay Print) is born: a revolutionary way to distribute professional Architectural, Engineering and Bill of Quantities/Estimating software. With Free UPP software, use, program updates, training and support are completely free. The customer pays only when needing to print (a very convenient cost for each A4 sheet), and with no expiry date. The first 500 prints are free. http://www.accasoftware.com/en/id6/free-upp.html The customer has a free license to use the full-featured version of the software for architectural BIM design and Bills of Quantities/Estimating. Programs with very advanced 2D/3D design features to produce floor plans, cross sections, elevation views, isometric views, perspective views, renderings, photo match simulations, bills of quantities, etc... Free UPP software solutions are complete and professional and can easily be compared to other software such as Revit, All Plan, ArchiCAD or VectorWorks. With Free UPP software you can collaborate with anyone, because everyone can use the same software for free. You can also install the software on as many computers as you like free of charge. http://www.accasoftware.com/en/id7/download.html Free UPP is proposed by ACCA software, a company with over 200,000 program users and is one of the most important international manufacturers in the industry. Free UPP is a new way of thinking of professional software for the Engineering and Architectural industries combining convenience, simplicity and professionalism in a revolutionary way. http://www.accasoftware.com/en/

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Row # Title Description
1 Free UPP Architectural BIM design and estimating software Free UPP

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